As an artist I have always been interested in natural forms and things that show change, movement and variations. Add to this my interest in the qualities and traits of being human and you have a common path that meanders through all my work. I enjoy creating forms and images of things unseen and making new.


These charcoal drawings were made after my move from Berlin back to the Hawaiian Islands.

Daily baths

These drawings are journal like and figurative, incorporating all the qualities of being human. The ballpoint pen I enjoy as a great implement for travel.


My interest in growing endemic Hawaiian ferns has emanated from plants, soil and spores into my charcoal drawings.


The microbiological series places the maquettes into an environment. The titles reflect the naming of specimen in a natural history museum, which include: untitled or a given name, where it is found, and what it induces, each separated by a series of slashes.

Studies in black

This group of work shows steps of my thought process of movement or emanation into visual images.

The Lab

My interest in form structure led me to virological laboratories where I could investigate and collect imagery, which I later included in my work.


The depths of the Pacific Ocean has supplied me with a plethora of intriguing forms to photograph. Every dive offered something new to document in black and white.


These are small mixed media sculptures, usually creating a subset while exploring a specific material, be it paper, silicone or copper.


Most of these charcoal drawings belongs to a series created in Bremerhaven during the artist residency I had in Germany. Although close to the North Sea and a good starting point, I instead turned to the sky to find my inspiration, movement and expanse still being the key.