Daily Baths

These drawings are journal like and figurative, incorporating all the qualities of being human. The ballpoint pen I enjoy as a great implement for travel.

preparation, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


the cough, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


untitled, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


old woman, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


within the limits, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


returning, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


disclosing a secret, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


village, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches


untitled, ball point pen on paper, 6.1 x 7.7 inches